Careers › Aerobic Instructor

Career as Aerobic Instructor

Aerobic Instructors and Fitness Trainers use a variety of skills and equipments to train people of different age, abilities, professional sportspeople etc. They are trained for guiding and helping clients build and maintain their physical fitness.

Job Profile

Career as Aerobic Instructor

Aerobic Instructors

  • Schedule and structure aerobic exercise modules to suit different groups e.g. normal , elderly, special health groups
  • Choreograph or set to music the aerobic exercises which could be low impact, moderate or high intensity exercise
  • Demonstrate each step to  the training group
  • Conduct aerobic workouts with music focusing on a series of fast movements to increase heart rate and toning of specific muscle groups
  • Teach aqua aerobics as a low impact aerobic form to help joints and bones, step aerobics, circuit aerobics etc.

Fitness Trainers

  • Work for individuals, groups and as specialist fitness trainers
  • Evaluate the fitness level of the participants of each group using special equipments to check heart rate, blood pressure, and lung capacity
  • Plan exercise schedule for individual clients such as athletes, sportspersons, weight lifters, swimmers etc.
  • Demonstrate and train them to workout on a range of exercises using specialized equipments
  • Explain safety rules for the use of equipment
  • Customize work out regimen for clients on different exercise equipments
  • Oversee the exercise sessions and correct techniques to improve fitness with minimal stress
  • Motivate trainees and monitor their progress
  • Attend to injuries giving first aid during the practice sessions
  • Seek assistance from physiotherapists in case of rehabilitative exercise sessions
  • Advise on health issues, weight reduction, diet etc.
  • Athlete trainers specialize in training of sports persons for specific sports
  • Handle the front desk tasks -enrollments, payments etc.
  • Assist in the cleaning and maintenance of the gym

Employment Opportunities

  • Fitness centers
  • Recreational centers
  • Social organizations
  • Self employed
  • Educational institutions
  • Sports clubs and training facilities
  • Specialised sport facilities
  • Gyms and health clubs
  • Carrier Supports
  • GFFI Fitness Academy
  • Illumination Light of Life
  • Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Ltd.

How do I get there?

  • Std XII


  • Trainers Cou...

    Orientation &
    Intensive cour...

  • Examination


  • Goal

    Aerobics trainer

  • Std XII


  • Degree


  • Training

    Aerobic & Fitness
    Advance co...

  • Goal

    Aerobic and Fitness trainer

  • Std XII

    Stream: Any

  • Graduation

    B.Physical Ed

  • Certification

    Aerobic/ Fitness 

  • Goal


  • Std X/XII


  • Course

    Fitness/Aerobic trainer

  • Certification

    Fitness/Aerobic Trainer

  • Goal


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Content on this page is by Career Expert
Mrs. Kum Kum Tandon
MA (Psychology), M.Ed, Diploma in Educational Psychology, Vocational Guidance & Counseling (NCERT, Delhi) | View Complete Profile

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