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Career as Police Officer

Police officers are responsible for public safety, maintaining law and order, prevention of crime and enforcement of law. Every state appoints and maintains a police force for prevention of crime, maintenance and enforcement of law and order in the state.

Job Profile

Career as Police Officer
Police Officers
  • Are trained to manage the law and order at all times
  • Take responsibility for managing large congregations at public events
  • Direct and regulate traffic and enforce traffic rules 
  • Carry out day and night time patrolling in their beats
  • Provide security and prevent crime in parks, streets and festival or political gatherings
  • Provide security to public officials and public during riots
  • Carry out rescue operations in the event of an emergency situation
  • Respond to emergency call from the public on a given helpline
  • Track and apprehend criminals, collect evidence and identify witnesses
  • Work in police stations to record criminal activities and take action
  • Work in special cells such as investigation, communication, firearms identification, forensics, narcotics, complaint record keeping , fingerprint identification etc
  • Help in rescue activities during natural disasters and fires
  • Patrol highways and guard bridges and sensitive areas

Employment Opportunities

  • National & State Police Service
  • Paramilitary Forces
  • National Security Guards
  • Special Protection Group

How do I get there?

  • Std XII

    Stream: Any 

  • Graduation

    Any discipline

  • Selection

     Test & Physical Fitness...

  • Training & Post

    Asst Sub Inspector> Sub Ins...

  • Goal

    Police Inspector

  • Std XII

    Stream: Any 

  • Graduation

    Any discipline

  • Selection


  • Training

    Police Academy

  • Goal

     State Police Officer

  • Std XII

    Stream: Any 

  • Graduation

    Any discipline

  • Entrance Exam


  • Training

    Police Academy

  • Goal


*State Servive Selection Board
** Indian Police Service
**#Civil Services Exam: The Civil Services Examinations are held in two phases - the first is called the preliminary examination (Prelims). This has 2 papers - the general studies and general aptitude paper. Age 21-31 years(must not have attained the age of 32 years on the 1st of August). Exam is held in May.

The second Main examination (Mains) is held in Oct/Nov. After that, there is the personality test or viva-voce before the final selection.

         Preliminary Examination

Comprises of two compulsory papers of 200 marks each. The question papers are objective (multiple choice questions) of two hours duration and are set in Hindi and English. English Language Comprehension skills is only in English

         Main Examination 

Paper 1- One language (300 marks)
Paper 2 - English (300 marks)
Paper 3- Essay( 200 marks)
Paper 4 & 5- General Studies (300 marks each)
Paper 6,7,8,9- Any 2 prescribed optional subjects(2 papers each subject) (300 marks for each paper)


*** Indian Police Service (IPS) appointments move to their respective state cadres to fill the senior most positions of Superintendents of Police, DIG, IG etc

****Educational and age requirements:

 Constables: School certificate of class X, Age: 18-21 years

 Sub-inspector/Asstt. Sub-inspector: Graduation; Age: 20-25 years. The training after recruitment is carried out at Police Training academies. This is a rigorous training which is aimed at physical exercise, skills of shooting, riding, combat, parade, lathi training, training/handling riots, driving etc. Police training schools can be contacted for recruitment notifications.

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Mrs. Kum Kum Tandon
MA (Psychology), M.Ed, Diploma in Educational Psychology, Vocational Guidance & Counseling (NCERT, Delhi) | View Complete Profile

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