i want to do 2years msc biotechnology in uk with 3years workpermit tell me all d details meeded
requirements (paper,quilificationsetc total expenditure---including acomodation work permittion hours,my best preferances to study are top five universties all formalities required n even wanna earn vid studies
3 Answers
Yadvinder.There is only one way to get a work permit to go to UK. A company in UK that has the Employer Sponsorship Licence (meaning permission from the UK Govt to recruit staff from non-European Union countries) should recruit you with a salary of atleast £20000 (Twenty Thousand per year). Personally, I have no idea what those companies are. Also, the only way you can do Msc in Uk by going there with a one year student visa. There is no other option. Finally, Please stop day dreaming about going to any foreign country (particularly European, North American, Australia or New Zealand) with a work permit and then doing Msc there. Those...more
Answered by
Govind Sharma HR, startup entrepreneurs, career blogger | Guide-Level 14
2011-10-10 17:31:21Hi
As of now, UK has stopped this benefit and there will not be job for any foreigners for at least next three years so you can pursue PG there purely for academic purpose only -
Msc is one year post graduation course in UK. Under biotechnology you ahve many specialised option available. AFter completing you cna do Mres. one year research degree and then proceed to PhD. Only if you get a job with a salary of 2000 Pounds per year then you are eligible to apply for tier 2 visa for three years.
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