I want to do Ph.D in UK or Europe in the field of biotchnology, mainly related to cancer research. what universities can i apply to?
I would prefer a university which gives funded Ph.D programs or scholarships. I am currently pursuing masters from VIT University,India in Biotechnology. Please suggest me some universities of my interest. thank you.
Asked by Archita Sharma
2 Answers
You can try for PhD in all the universites mentioned above. However normally students dont get funding when applied from india. this is because the funding agenceis may different from University. Also you ahve to apply for reaearch degree with you research proposal which should meet their expectation.
Alternatively you can apply for one year research degree that is called MRes. ot MPhil. this will be first year of PhD. By doing this your PhD will be reduced to two years and then is easy for you to get funding
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