is it necessary for mba programs to be aicte approved and why?

0 72 Views | Posted 2011-09-26 16:39:40
Asked by rhea rai

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  • 3 Answers

  • R

    Answered by

    Ruchi Shrimali | Contributor-Level 7

    2011-09-26 17:04:44
    AICTE approvals are supposed to mean that institutes are adhering to stringent quality measures. However, this is not true in many cases, courtesy Corruption. But still, if you are planning to study abroad or pursue further education, AICTE is an important criteria as a part of paperwork. But if you are doing MBA to genuinely be an expert in business administration, take a look at the syllabus, its relevance to the industry you are interested in, its placements, and industry visits, live projects, and on-the-floor training institute offers.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manmeet Kaur | Guide-Level 12

    2011-09-26 16:54:47
    Hi Tanyaa, as per your query I would say that pursuing any degree from a recognized university is necessary as it will add up as a plus point in getting a job.
    Hope this will help you in the best way. Feel free to raise more queries or you may close the question by liking it or marking it as the best answer. All the best!
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Govind Sharma HR, startup entrepreneurs, career blogger | Guide-Level 14

    2011-09-26 16:54:30
    Yes, the reason is that all the professional courses in engineering and management require to maintain quality and AICTE is the supreme body to check this under ministry of HRD, Government of India. If you plan for studying abroad and also in India or for the job, AICTE approved degree is must. Therefore you should choose always an AICTE approved institute. However for MBA, apart from AICTE approval, other important factors like ranking and the reputation of the institute, past placement records, average package etc also matters so look for this. By doing MBA from just an AICTE approved institute will not help you. Out of all AICTE app

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