MBA for working professionals
Hii...I am working as a media manager. I have about 7 yrs of experience. I now want to pursue MBA to enhance my career. Can anyone tell me which specialization i should go for and which college will offer a good course for experienced professionals?
Asked by Kanika
3 Answers
Hi Kanika,
Although, MBA is one field which is open to all stream student but as you are from Media background I would suggest you to opt for Marketing as a specialization as subjects like Media, Advertising, Event Management form a part of Marketing as a core subject.
As Marketing is one of the most popular specializations it would be available with almost all the good Institutes, such as MDI, IMT, and Fore School of Management etc. (providing part time MBA) If you are looking for EMBA programme you can consider IIMs, XLRI, ISB etc.
For further information on MBA in Marketing please check the link below: -
hii.just last year I completed my course in marketing from Welingkar Institute of management. i opted for the Executive PGDM. It is specially designed for working professionals. I think that should help u.
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