What is the difference between fashion and apparel designing?

14 Followers | 794 Views | Posted 9 years ago
Asked by ravi jha

  • 15 Answers

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    Answered by

    Asha Gaud Electronics and telecommunication engineering | Contributor-Level 8

    5 years ago
    To be old fashioned is to wear clothes out of style. Fashion designing the art of designing clothing, fashion, accessories, etc. Apparel designing a more technical term-pertaining to the specific act of creating clothing from nuts to bolts. If someone is apparel designing, I seem them more as a technician. All the best my dear friend for your bright future. Thank you.
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    Answered by

    salma bee | Guide-Level 15

    5 years ago
    As far as the difference between the both is concerned, fashion designing is a specific term that encompasses a wide variety of aspects such as clothes designing, fashion and accessories etc. Apparel designing is a more generic term rather than generic and it includes the entire process of designing and making a clothing item. It is more technical in its essence and incorporates things like concept designing, evaluation and the final product.
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    Answered by

    Sapan Sapan | Guide-Level 12

    4 years ago
    "Apparel" can also include things like name tags, jewelry or other stuff you wear. "Clothing" tends to refer to stuff traditionally made from cloth (but still includes synthetic variants). The specific dividing line between the two terms is subjective and will differ from person to person. Fashion Designing is something which helps us create new trends for the market. But basically fashion designers just design. They really don't know how to construct that design. Or in simple words fashion designers just sketch new designs. But Apparel Designing is something which teaches you how to design as well as how to construct a design or yo
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    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    4 years ago
    Fashion designing is the art of designing clothing, fashion, accessories, etc. Apparel designing is a more technical term-pertaining to the specific act of creating clothing from nuts to bolts. If someone is apparel designing, I seem them more as a technician. "Apparel" can also include things like name tags, jewelry or other stuff you wear. "Clothing" tends to refer to stuff traditionally made from cloth (but still includes synthetic variants. ). The specific dividing line between the two terms is subjective and will differ from person to person. Best place to pursue would be LPU where innumerable fashion shows have been conducted whe
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    Answered by

    swati lakhanpal

    3 years ago
    Fashion Designing is a vast field, it is a study of Fashion elements, techniques and development of fashion concepts which may not predominantly be used in Apparels only but a lot of other products as well, e. g- accessories in leather, woven, knits, non woven. Whereas apparel designing is related to clothing. It is a study of designing and developing variety of silhouettes in clothing. At PCTE, students are brought forward as per their skills and their choices of designing of the end product after being taught the basics of fashion.

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