What is the scope of BBA+MBA?

0 187 Views | Posted 7 years ago
Asked by anurag singh

  • 14 Answers

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    Answered by

    Neetu Singh | Scholar-Level 16

    4 years ago
    Both dual degree or integrated BBA+MBA is great in LPU. It really depends on your choice. If you think you can spare one more year in the study then go for a dual degree, or if you want to finish it off quickly and start pursuing your dreams, then go for the integrated. The difference of the both is well evident. Integrated course is a 4 year course and dual degree is all total 5 years. Integrated you cannot quit MBA and need to complete the course of 4 years to get the degree but in Dual degree you have a exit option after completing BBA and not continuing with your MBA. As a general rule for placements, a lot more will depend upon yo
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Sanjana Sodhi Develop a passion for learning. | Contributor-Level 9

    6 years ago
    Hello, It entirely depends upon your capability and from which college you have done these courses. BBA+MBA has immense scope in the field of finance, HR, marketing, IB and other banking sectors but it mainly depends upon how much you are capable of performing the task if you are a very good manager. You may even climb to the director as well as the post of CEO. So, the main focus should be quality. You can even start up your own venture and can be a successful entrepreneur if your venture succeeds.
  • M

    Answered by

    Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University | Scholar-Level 16

    3 years ago
    Dear Anurag, The most common yet the most popular and sought-after Post Graduation course after BBA is MBA (Master of Business Administration). It not only helps you in getting a respectable management position and lucrative salary but also allows you to become your own boss. Both dual degree or integrated BBA+MBA is great in LPU. It really depends on your choice. If you think you can spare one more year in the study then go for a dual degree, or if you want to finish it off quickly and start pursuing your dreams, then go for the integrated. The difference of the both is well evident. Integrated course is a 4 year course and dual degre
  • S

    Answered by

    Sakshi Sharma | Contributor-Level 8

    2 years ago
    Integrated BBA+MBA is great in LPU. The BBA+MBA programme is centered on a comprehensive study of organizational management, modern business concepts, and prerequisites of managerial skills. The Integrated BBA/MBA programme at Geeta University provides students an option to choose one major field and one minor field of specialization from Marketing, Finance, HRM, and International Business. The curriculum is interspersed with seminars, Industrial tours, and industry-oriented projects providing ample opportunity to interact with industry professionals. Innovative and productive environment, more emphasis on practical sessions with the b

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