what should i do with plain bcom?
please suggest me some short term finanace courses to do with bcom. i am a SYBCom student.. and i really want to hv a very successful career. so suggest me some courses which may help me get a nice job and reputuation in society after i get my BCom degree.
2 Answers
Answered by
devendra pathak pathak principal and member of academic council BU | Contributor-Level 10
2011-09-10 21:50:16hi you are doing good course which is highly demanded in market . you have passed 12th from kv means with good english background
you need to be work out such course which is helpful for your accounts career. you should complete B com with good percentage . same time go for telly9 professional with certification from reputed institute. SAP finance will be star in career .
pl do it with certification too. try to write CAT for MBA from good b schools. if you like teaching than go for m com m phil than PHD ith NET from UGC
all the bets best of luck
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