Are pursuing UG courses at National Law University expensive?

0 9 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Nishar Ahmed

  • 3 Answers

  • Y

    Answered by

    Yuvraj Singh | Contributor-Level 8

    10 months ago

    Studying undergraduate courses at National Law Universities (NLUs) can be relatively expensive. The fees for a five-year LLB programme or an LLM course at NLUs can range from INR 2 Lakhs to INR 4 Lakhs per year, which includes tuition fees, infrastructure maintenance fees, examination fees, and other components. Additionally, there are one-time payments such as admission fees, campus development fund fees, and various deposits. The specific fee structure may vary for each NLU and program. For example, NLU Delhi's undergraduate course fees range from INR 3 Lakhs to INR 1.63 Lakhs per year, and there are additional one-time and refundabl

  • S

    Answered by

    Shounak Mukherjee | Contributor-Level 8

    10 months ago

    The cost of undergraduate education at National Law Universities (NLUs) is comparatively high, with annual tuition costs for general category students ranging from INR 1.5 Lacs to INR 3 lakhs. Some NLUs require hostel fees, which range from INR 50,000 to INR 1 Lacs annually. Food, textbooks, and personal needs are extra expenses. Financial help and scholarships may be offered by NLUs based on merit, economic status, or other factors. NLUs provide valuable networking possibilities, top-notch instruction, and first-rate infrastructure all at a considerable cost. Long-term career potential also adds to the investment's overall worth.

  • D

    Answered by

    Debolina Das | Contributor-Level 9

    10 months ago

    The fees for undergraduate courses at National Law Universities (NLUs) in India vary across different institutions. The fee for 5-year LLB programs ranges from approximately Rs. 1.7 Lacs to Rs. 4.1 Lacs per year, with some variation based on the specific NLU and the candidate's category (e.g., general, SC/ST). For example, the annual fee for the BA LLB course at NLU Delhi is Rs. 85,000. Additionally, there are other components of the fee structure, such as admission fees, examination fees, hostel fees, and mess fees. It's important to refer to the specific NLU and the category of the candidate to get the accurate fee structure.

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