Hi, First of all, I hope that you are aware of the subjects included in NPAT. If not, let me clarify you. Topics under each subject and their weightage: Quantitative & Numerical ability Number System (4 Marks) Arithmetic (16 Marks) Algebra (8 Marks) Sets and Functions (4 Marks) Elementary Statistics & Probability (4 Marks) Trigonometry (4 Marks) Reasoning & General Intelligence Critical Thinking (10 Marks) Verbal-logical reasoning (5 Marks) Data sufficiency (5 Marks) Numerical Reasoning (6 Marks) Data Interpretation (10 Marks) Spatial Reasoning (4 Marks) Proficiency in English Language Error Recognition (5 Marks) Applied Gramma
Hi, First of all, I hope that you are aware of the subjects included in NPAT. If not, let me clarify you. Topics under each subject and their weightage: Quantitative & Numerical ability Number System (4 Marks) Arithmetic (16 Marks) Algebra (8 Marks) Sets and Functions (4 Marks) Elementary Statistics & Probability (4 Marks) Trigonometry (4 Marks) Reasoning & General Intelligence Critical Thinking (10 Marks) Verbal-logical reasoning (5 Marks) Data sufficiency (5 Marks) Numerical Reasoning (6 Marks) Data Interpretation (10 Marks) Spatial Reasoning (4 Marks) Proficiency in English Language Error Recognition (5 Marks) Applied Grammar (8 Marks) Vocabulary (4 Marks) Contextual Usage (4 Marks) Sequencing of Ideas (4 Marks) Reading Comprehension (15 Marks) Spatial Ability and Visualization Skills Principle of perception and visual design (7 Marks) Spatial relationships assessment (7 Marks) Knowledge of practical and everyday (6 Marks) Observation & Problem Solving Ability to detect concealed properties (6 Marks) Applying attention to certain details (6 Marks) Ability to discern subtle differences (3 Marks) Using these to solve problems (5 Marks) General Awareness & Design Sensibility General awareness of environmental factors (6 Marks) Awareness of social and cultural connection (10 Marks) History of art, sculpture and literature (4 Marks) General Awareness, Observation, Spatial Ability arena't covered under NPAT BBA. 1) Number System Fractions, Surds and Decimals, and Number Series. 2) Arithmetic Percentages, Profit & Loss, Discount, Compound Interest & Annuities, Ratio & Proportions, Time, Work & Distance, 2 D & 3D Figures- Areas & VolumesAlgebraBasic Algebraic Identities, and Equations - Linear & Quadratic sequence. 3) Series (Andhra Pradesh, GP) Sets and Functions Sets, Operation on Sets and their applications using Venn Diagrams, functions. 4) Elementary Statistics & Probability Mean, Mode, and Median, and Measures of Dispersion. 5) Trigonometry Trigonometric Rations, identities, Height and Distances. And the above topics are in a moderate way and the English and reasoning have the level of difficulty between easy to moderate and they contain English- Vocab, Grammar and Comprehension, etc. Reasoning-Anything which can be asked.