Important subjects present in B.Sc. agriculture course.
Agronomy: Basics of Agronomy, Field Crops (Kharif), Field Crops (Rabi), Crop Production, Weed Management, Irrigation Techniques, Water resource management, Organic Farming, Sustainable agriculture. Apart from theoretical subjects, practical sessions are also involved, in case of these subjects.
Plant Genetics: Botany, Basics of Genetics, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Basics of Biotechnology. Apart from the above-mentioned theoretical subjects, practical sessions involving these subjects are also present.
Soil Science: Introduction to Soil Science, Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, F
Important subjects present in B.Sc. agriculture course.
Agronomy: Basics of Agronomy, Field Crops (Kharif), Field Crops (Rabi), Crop Production, Weed Management, Irrigation Techniques, Water resource management, Organic Farming, Sustainable agriculture. Apart from theoretical subjects, practical sessions are also involved, in case of these subjects.
Plant Genetics: Botany, Basics of Genetics, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Basics of Biotechnology. Apart from the above-mentioned theoretical subjects, practical sessions involving these subjects are also present.
Soil Science: Introduction to Soil Science, Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, Fertilizers, Agricultural Chemistry. Apart from the above mentioned theoretical subjects, practical sessions involving the subjects are also present.
Entomology: Pest Management, Beneficial Insects, Grain Storage and Management. Like the above entries, along with theoretical subjects, practical sessions involving them are also present.
Agricultural Economics: Market prices, Trade prices, Marketing, Finance, Agribusiness Management, Farm Management. Along with the theoretical subjects, practical sessions involving them are also present.
Agriculture Engineering: Agriculture Machinery, Power and Tools, Harvest Technology, Environment Science and Engineering, Renewable Energy. Along with the theoretical subjects, practical sessions involving them are also present.
Agricultural Meteorology: Climate patterns, Climatic hazards on Agriculture, Climatic Zones, Weather forecasting. Practical sessions related to the theoretical subjects are also present.
Plant Pathology: Crop Diseases, Nematology. Practical sessions related to the theoretical subjects are also present.
Horticulture: Fruit Crops, Medicinal Plants, Aromatic Plants, Flower Production, Spices and Plantation Crops. Practical sessions related to the theoretical subjects are also present.
Agricultural Extension: Dimensions of Agricultural Extension, Extension Methodologies and Entrepreneurship Development program. Practical sessions related to the theoretical subjects is also present.
Computer Education
Physical Education
Animal Products