ISME has been ranked as one of the top B-Schools in India with all faculty having global & corporate exposure. It was ranked 34th in all India by the Times of India B-School Ranking (2021). Ranked 3rd best B-School of Eminence in India by Competition Success Review in 2019. Ranked 27th Best B-Schools in India by Business India, 2020. Over 1600 ISME alumni are working in multinationals across the world.
The BBA exam syllabus for the ISME entrance test consists of four sections:
1- General English: Vocabulary, Synonyms & Antonyms, English Comprehension, English Proficiency, Fill in the blanks, idioms and phrases, One word substitution, Ana
ISME has been ranked as one of the top B-Schools in India with all faculty having global & corporate exposure. It was ranked 34th in all India by the Times of India B-School Ranking (2021). Ranked 3rd best B-School of Eminence in India by Competition Success Review in 2019. Ranked 27th Best B-Schools in India by Business India, 2020. Over 1600 ISME alumni are working in multinationals across the world.
The BBA exam syllabus for the ISME entrance test consists of four sections:
1- General English: Vocabulary, Synonyms & Antonyms, English Comprehension, English Proficiency, Fill in the blanks, idioms and phrases, One word substitution, Analogies, Spelling Mistakes, Rearrangement of words in sentences, English Usage Errors, Common Errors, Spotting errors, Cloze Test, Inappropriate usage of words.
2- Quantitative Aptitude: Number Theory, square roots, HCF and LCM, Data Sufficiency Test, Profit and Loss, Surds and Indices, simplification, percentage, approximation, quantitative comparison, average, discounts, data comparison, column, mensuration area, partnership, compound and simple interest, data interpretation, ratio and proportion, Commercial Math, Fraction and Decimals, Logarithms.
3- Analytical and Logical Reasoning: Number Test, Logical Diagram (Venn Diagram), Analogy Test, Relationship Test, Insert Missing Sequence Test, Alpha Numeric Symbol Sequence, Direction and Distance Test, Alphabet Test, Classification (Odd Man Out) Test, Cubes and Cubical Dice Test, Logical Word Sequence Test, Time Sequence Test, Coding & Decoding Test, Statement Arguments, Statement Conclusion, Data Sufficiency Test, Logic Test, Statement Assumptions, Ranking Test, Data Arrangement Test, Series, Mathematical Operations.
4- General Awareness: Business and General Awareness, Science, Computer Science, Business, Trade awareness of world and India, Geography, Economic Study, General polity, Sports, Awards, Current Affairs, History.