Section A: Statistical Methods
Sheppards Corrections for grouping
Central and non-central moments
Skewness and Kurtosis
B1, B2, r1 and r2 Coefficients
Principle of least squares
Family of curves
Empirical Bivariate Distributions
Covariance, Correlation and Regression
Data Interpretation
Large sample tests of significance for proportions, means, standard deviations, correlation Coefficient
Small sample tests of significance based on normal Chi-square, t and F distributions
Non-parametric tests advantages and disadvantages one sample paired samples
Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test
Analysis of variance of one way and two way classifications
Section A: Statistical Methods
Sheppards Corrections for grouping
Central and non-central moments
Skewness and Kurtosis
B1, B2, r1 and r2 Coefficients
Principle of least squares
Family of curves
Empirical Bivariate Distributions
Covariance, Correlation and Regression
Data Interpretation
Large sample tests of significance for proportions, means, standard deviations, correlation Coefficient
Small sample tests of significance based on normal Chi-square, t and F distributions
Non-parametric tests advantages and disadvantages one sample paired samples
Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test
Analysis of variance of one way and two way classifications
Principles experimentation randomization, replication and local control
Description and analysis of completely randomized, randomized block and Latin square designs
Section B: Applied Statistics
Different types of Sampling
Statistical basis of control chars
Control charts for variables and attributes
Construction and uses X, R, p, np. And C, charts
Sources of population data, consum, rates and ratios
Fertility and mortality rates, standardized death rates
Component of complete and abridged tables
Reproduction rates Notion of population
Components of time series
Measurement of trend by moving averages, least squares
Determination of seasonal indices by ratio to trend and link relative methods
Construction and uses of simple and weighted Index numbers Reversal tests of index numbers
Fishers Ideal index number
Base shifting and splicing
Construction of cost of living Index number and whole sale price index number
Indian Statistical system, functions and organizations of CSO Agricultural Statistics area and yield statistics
N. S. O and its function
Aim and scope of operations Research Problems
Introduction to allocation models, Assignment, Transportation and sequencing problems and their solutions
Formulation of linear Programming problems of three variables
Applications of linear programming problems
Elements of game theory
Section C: Mathematical Statistics
Probability and Bayes theorem
Discrete and continuous random variables, distribution and density functions
Mathematical expectation of random variable
Definitions and properties of probability generating function, moment generating function, and cumulant generating function, characteristic function
Chebyshavs inequality and its uses, Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
Bivariate random variable, joint, Marginal and Conditional distributions.