The field of microbiology covers many others such as bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology, and medical microbiologists identify the agents of infectious diseases and devise ways to combat them. They also track down and identify new pathogens. Learn more about making a career in Microbiology:
Public health microbiologists try and control the spread of diseases by monitoring water and food supplies. Agricultural microbiology is focused on the health of crops, increasing yield and soil fertility. Microbial ecologists study the habitats of microorganisms to determine their contribution to the chemical cycles in soil and water;
The field of microbiology covers many others such as bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology, and medical microbiologists identify the agents of infectious diseases and devise ways to combat them. They also track down and identify new pathogens. Learn more about making a career in Microbiology:
Public health microbiologists try and control the spread of diseases by monitoring water and food supplies. Agricultural microbiology is focused on the health of crops, increasing yield and soil fertility. Microbial ecologists study the habitats of microorganisms to determine their contribution to the chemical cycles in soil and water; they also study the effects of pollution on the same and develop methods to use microorganisms to combat pollution. Food and dairy microbiology prevents microbial spoilage of consumables, fights food borne transmission of diseases, and also makes food like cheese, yoghurt and wine. Career Prospects
Those who complete a Ph.D and/or Post-Doctoral studies after getting scholarships through GRE or TOEFL may find microbiology jobs at foreign universities or Research and Development (R&D) wings of major pharmaceutical companies. Research opportunities in urban disease control, formulation research, clinical research, analytical development and new drug development are exploding too, with major companies investing in R&D. One can always teach, though its advantageous to have a doctorate for such a path. Self-employed microbiologists can set up their own laboratories. Salary
Microbiologists enjoy many perks and benefits. Salaries for pharma or biotech labs professionals start at Rs.10, 000 Rs.15, 000 per month, a figure that doubles within a few years. Government and research labs offer Rs.10,000- Rs.20,000. Junior Research fellows my get Rs.12,000. In developed countries, the pay is far better researchers commonly earn $30,000 to $70,000 per year.