Can you provide me details about the faculties in Globsyn and the "corporate connect" mentioned on the website?

0 26 Views | Posted 6 years ago
Asked by Rahul Agarwal

  • 2 Answers

  • I

    Answered by

    Indrakshi Mukherjee Lazy hard-working girl.

    6 years ago
    The faculties at GBS are always up to date with the subject matter. You will be mailed with the notes in the form of PPTs and facilities expect you to read them and be prepared before the classes. They'll make you understand and if any doubt they will definitely clear them. Faculties expect us to have extra knowledge apart from the course and that is why they expect us to read newspaper and share in class.
    Regarding corporate connect - it's basically a corporate session where important dignitaries of renowned companies come to share their experiences and give us vivid knowledge about the corporate world and we come across lot of corpora
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Sutanwi Ghosh | Contributor-Level 6

    6 years ago
    The professional details of the faculties is given in the website itself, the personal details is confidential, so I cannot provide you that. Nevertheless, I would recommend that you visit the campus yourself one day and talk to the faculties face to face. They are extremely friendly and helpful and each of them is an expert in their own subject domain. You are sure to get the best kind of knowledge and skills here, as you will be in the right hands of our respective faculties who will groom you accordingly. About Corporate Connect, it is all about GBS inviting corporate big shots to visit our campus and deliver lectures on highly rele

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