Do I need a degree to become a data scientist?

0 13 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Shruti

  • 3 Answers

  • J

    Answered by

    jasveer singh | Contributor-Level 9

    a year ago
    In most cases, you will need at least a Bachelor's degree in a related field to get an entry-level job as a data scientist. However, for many non-entry level jobs in the data Science field, you will need a master's degree. Roughly four out of every five data scientists have a master's degree. So, the answer is YES! Now you can be a data scientist without a formal degree. You just need to follow this DataFlair's guide, only 5 steps towards your data scientist journey without a master's degree. Data scientists typically need at least a Bachelor's degree in computer Science, data Science, or a related field. However, many employers in
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Deeksha Dixit | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    You need to have a minimum professional Certificate in data Science to become a data scientist. You do not need a degree, but you must complete a professional course in data Science. Without a professional course, you cannot understand the basic job requirements of a data scientist. You must be an expert in data analysis and interpretation if you want to become a data scientist. Analytical and mathematical knowledge are the fundamental skills required of a data scientist. You can check the available course to decide which one you can pursue to become a data scientist:
  • N

    Answered by

    Neha Joshi

    a year ago
    Yes, there is a need of a degree to do something further as a data scientist. Degree in a related field is required to get an entry level job as a data scientist, however, for may non entry level jobs in the data Science field need a master's degree.

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