Do students from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) get placed abroad?

0 72 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Manish Motwani | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    There is a lot of scope for mining as its application technology is updating every day with the increasing population and demand for fuel. Also, there are various start-ups which need highly skilled, dedicated and trained employees and labour for meeting the ever-increasing demand of the population. ISM-Dhanbad is a premier institute funded by the central government and now has become IIT because of its hard work. In the mining studies, the number of students placed abroad is very high as the mining sector do not find a large scope in India although there are many mines related to coal, diamond, iron and steel but abroad the scope is h
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    Answered by

    Apoorv Rastogi | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Like I have always said that it is impossible to predict whether a company is going to come for the placements even if it is Indian Institute of Technology. It totally depends on the company to come for the placements in the university or college today. After seeing the results of the colleges, many companies decide whether to come or not to come for the placements in the Institute of Technology.
    There are many foreign companies that visit the campus for placements and does not take any students as foreign companies are always looking for better minds and do not have any problem with going empty-handed.
    Therefore, I would like you to sug
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Shreemad Patel | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    Hello, work on soft skills, not just technical skills. If you are not a good speaker, join LITC/Toastmasters. You will have a lot of time in hand during your first year which you can use judiciously to improve your soft skills. Soft skills play a very crucial role during your pre-final/final years. Whether or not you will be working abroad totally depends on the company you are selected and profile that you are working for. Like if you are appearing for the Facebook interview, they will decide on the basis of your merit that you can work in their Mountain View Office, California on the basis of your merit. Irrespective of the branch yo
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    Answered by

    Priyum Agrawal | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Like I have always said, it is impossible to know if a company is going to recruit you for a foreign location or a home location unless stated or pre-defined.
    Also, nobody can predict the number of companies in for abroad placements, as it is totally on the company to decide where the employee works at.
    Some of the companies that visit Indian School of Mines are:
    Adani Enterprise Ltd.DIT UniversityL&T ConstructionSamsung R&D, Bangalore
    Adobe SystemDMT ConsultingL&T Limited
    Samsung R&D, Delhi
    VE Commercial
    Airbus DPS,
    Gaya Lords Institute of Technology
    Samsung R&D, Noida
    Vedanta Goa
    Allen Career Institute
    Droom Technology
    MakeMyTrip Sandi

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