Does a year back affect one's placements in engineering?

1 Follower | 9.9k Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Surabhi Chaudhary Engineer at Honda Cars India Limited | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    This is a very frequently asked question.
    I will tell you how placements work. Let there be a company and let's name it "Orange". Your PC (Placement Coordinator) approaches this company and invites them for a placement drive at your college. Orange will then confirm by giving their shortlisting criteria. Now in reality, mostly this criteria contains the following:
    1. Student must have no back/cleared backs at the time of interview.
    2. Student must have more the 80% aggregate in all semesters at the time of interview.
    3. Student must be well read about all the company profile.
    4. Student must possess good logical and analytical abilities.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    a year ago
    I will tell you how placements work. Let there be a company and lets name it "Orange". Your PC (Placement Coordinator) approaches this company and invites them for a placement drive at your college. Orange will then confirm by giving their shortlisting criteria. Now in reality, mostly this criteria contains the following:
    1. Student must have no back/cleared backs at the time of interview.
    2. Student must have more the 80% aggregate in all semesters at the time of interview.
    3. Student must be well read about all the company profile.
    4. Student must possess good logical and analytical abilities. And so on. Now, your placement coordinato
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Zubin Mehta Expert Advisor for Senior Management. | Scholar-Level 17

    7 years ago
    A year's backdrop is generally considered red flag for recruiter but can be nullified if some great achievement is demonstrated like Internship experience, Certificate programmes in technical skills to showcase practical knowledge, technical projects conducted via college, extra curriculum indulging position of responsibility.
    Your social media profile with all these skills may help you make your year drop redundant.
    Any recruiter would just not hire a student on his academic performance but also his personality and his technical domain knowledge.
    Your resume if highlights your core skills and makes you stand apart from the crowd, your ye
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Aditya Doiphode Current Student- NIT, Trichy | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    Generally speaking, it will affect the placement.
    Many companies have it in eligibility criteria that one shouldn't have any backlogs/arrears.
    But there are some companies which don't have any such criteria, but these won't be as good as the other companies (they might be in some cases).
    But a backlog won't affect that much if you give some genuine reason like health issues or some family emergencies. You should be able to justify your backlogs during the interviews and shouldn't be viewed as a non-serious person.
    I would suggest avoiding backlogs as much as possible as it surely does have a negative impact on your resume. Just study regu
  • A

    Answered by

    Akhil A

    7 years ago
    Yes it does effect the placement in engineering. Many good conpanies have the criteria of no backlog and a minimum percentage . So a year back effects. But if you are looking for mass recruiters , then that won't affect your short listing
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Kasee Sreenivas Program Officer,Health Infrastructure, Tata Trusts

    7 years ago
    By "year back", if you mean, you have one or more subjects to clear, then that won't matter much to few companies.
    Don't come to a conclusion yet. You'll have to clear the subject(s) before joining the firm/government department.
    Few companies do look at Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as one of their shortlisting criteria. For such companies, you cannot attend the interviews, to be honest, but few companies do visit and select the students based on a written test, group discussion and interview. If you perform well in these categories, they do select you, given that you clear the subject before you join the firm.
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