Yes, NTA has added some new topics in the CUET PG MCA syllabus for the academic session 2025-2026. There are majorly three subjects in MCA syllabus namely, Decision Making and Thinking Skills, Mathematics and Computers. The exam officials added few more topics in the Computer subject.
The added topics are mentioned below:
Computer networks: OSI Model, TCP/IP model, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Transmission media – twisted pair, coaxial cables fiber–optic cables, Flow and error control techniques,
Yes, NTA has added some new topics in the CUET PG MCA syllabus for the academic session 2025-2026. There are majorly three subjects in MCA syllabus namely, Decision Making and Thinking Skills, Mathematics and Computers. The exam officials added few more topics in the Computer subject.
The added topics are mentioned below:
Computer networks: OSI Model, TCP/IP model, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Transmission media – twisted pair, coaxial cables fiber–optic cables, Flow and error control techniques,
Domain Name System (DNS)-Electronic Mail and World Wide Web (WWW).
Database Management System: Data Models, Schemas, and Instances; Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence; Database Languages and Interfaces; Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMS, Functional Dependencies and Normalization; Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization; Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control Techniques, Database Recovery Techniques, Object and Object-Relational Databases; Database Security and Authorization. Entity-Relationship Diagram, Relational Model - Constraints, Languages, Design, and Programming, Relational Database Schemas, Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations; Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus; Codd Rules.
<p>Yes, NTA has added some new topics in the CUET PG MCA syllabus for the academic session 2025-2026. There are majorly three subjects in MCA syllabus namely, Decision Making and Thinking Skills, Mathematics and Computers. The exam officials added few more topics in the Computer subject.</p><p>The added topics are mentioned below:</p><ul><li>Computer networks: OSI Model, TCP/IP model, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Transmission media – twisted pair, coaxial cables fiber–optic cables, Flow and error control techniques, </li><li>Routing algorithms, Congestion control, IP (v4), Application layer protocols (icmp, dns, smtp, pop, </li><li>ftp, http); Sliding window protocols; Internetworking: Switch /Hub, Bridge, Router, Gateways, </li><li>Concatenated virtual circuits, Firewalls: Network Security; Cryptography- public key, secret key.</li><li>Domain Name System (DNS)-Electronic Mail and World Wide Web (WWW). </li><li>Database Management System: Data Models, Schemas, and Instances; Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence; Database Languages and Interfaces; Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMS, Functional Dependencies and Normalization; Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization; Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control Techniques, Database Recovery Techniques, Object and Object-Relational Databases; Database Security and<br>Authorization. Entity-Relationship Diagram, Relational Model - Constraints, Languages, Design, and Programming, Relational Database Schemas, Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations; Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus; Codd Rules.</li></ul>
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