How are the placements of BE in Aerospace Engineering from Chandigarh University?

0 56 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Priyum Agrawal | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    The problem with aerospace engineering branch is that you just cannot consider doing it from every other college or you would be forced to join some IT company with an average placement of 3.5-4 LPA.
    This is also the case with Chandigarh University, where the training and placement cell of the college fails to attract a number of core companies in the department of aerospace, considering the lesser number of opportunities for an aerospace engineer in India.
    So you will be asked to sit for an IT company if getting placed appeals you the most.
    Other than that, if you really want to remain in the core field you should consider doing your
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    Answered by

    Mukul Singh Pundir | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Being an aerospace engineer, you are highly qualified and demanded job in the world, with the use of modern and high tech Technology you have to just use your knowledge to make the best use of it and produce output through the same.
    In the aerospace engineering, you deal with the technology related to the field of Aviation, Avionics, Material science, aircraft maintenance, etc. So it is highly demanding.
    It is good option for going for Chandigarh University because in the north region of Punjab, Haryana Himachal, there are very few good colleges providing this degree. Secondly, it is a brand and offers good infrastructure, Research labs,

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