How can I calculate my MAT percentile? In which college can I get admission to pursue MBA with 430.5 marks in MAT exam?

I scored 430.5 marks in December MAT exam.

0 167 Views | Posted 7 years ago
Asked by ahanya dev

  • 2 Answers

  • P

    Answered by

    PRATIK DUTTA | Contributor-Level 6

    7 years ago
    You can try to get admission in Unitedworld School of Business which is currently one of the best institutes for pursuing PGDM/MBA/PGPM.
    The most important aspect of any good course is the placement. The students here are getting placed in companies like: Nestle, Parle, ITC, Justdial, OYO, Pran Dubai, Times Group, PayTM, Airtel, JK Tyres, etc. Placement is the main highlight of this college.
    Siliconindia recently recognized Unitedworld School of Business - Ahmedabad as the one of the top 25 best colleges to hire from.
    This is the link of their website:
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Jyotsna Pandey | Contributor-Level 8

    7 years ago
    Sorry to say that you have no option to calculate your percentile score because percentile score depends on -
    1) Total no of candidate can appearing in the exam.
    2) Number of candidates who have scored fewer marks than you.
    Both are unknown to you so you don't have to calculate it because this information is hidden from the candidate.
    If you collect the above mentioned data then you can easily calculate from the given below mathematical calculation:
    If N is the total number of candidates appearing in MAT exam.
    Then the percentile score P is given as,
    P = (Number of candidates who have scored less marks than you/ N) x 100
    So, in this process

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