How can I crack IIFT in 3 months?

0 65 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • A

    Answered by

    Apoorv Rastogi | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Schedule to crack IIFT in just 3 months is as follows :
    Reading comprehension in 10 days.
    Read the columns, editorials and articles from the newspapers and find out how many words are there which you do not know. Note down these words, know their meaning, frame good sentences upon them and start using them in your conversation to practice more on them.
    Verbal Ability in 5 days
    Practice and revise your stuff well.
    Identify the type of questions that appeared in last year exams and practice them well.
    Questions based on grammar come as a saviour when you are not lucky with the passage.
    Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation in 10 days
    Speed i
  • H

    Answered by

    Harshit Maheshwari

    7 years ago
    You should buckle up with an attitude of 'Its never too late to start'. Though 3 months is a short time if you are starting from the scratch, if you read a newspaper daily, good with number crunching then you should not worry much.
    You should start testing yourself on basis of mock IIFT tests and start preparing where you are lacking with. Getting into IIFT is not tough that much process is simple, first is the entrance test followed by essay writing and GDPI and then final selection.
    Entrance exams consist of questions from quant, logical reasoning, GK, verbal and quant. You should start giving the mock tests and previous year paper to
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    Answered by

    Prerit Kohli I'm creative, passionate and hard working | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    The answer really depends on only two factors: where you stand as of now and what you plan to do in the remaining time.
    The process is actually very simple. Evaluate your current situation, write down the areas which require effort, read up and practice on this part, repeat this procedure.
    The first iteration of this exercise is the most important because that will give you the biggest gaps. With every successive iteration, you would have got better and closer to your destination.
    Use previous year's papers and mocks as a measure of how well you are doing. Put in whatever time remains and it should pay off.
    Here are few tips and strategies

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