How do I prepare for the CMA exam?

0 16 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Anita

  • 5 Answers

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    Answered by

    Ghanishtha chauhan | Contributor-Level 7

    a year ago
    You can consider the following:
    Choose a CMA Review Course. Follow a Study Plan. Use the SQ3R Technique. Determine How Long to Study for the CMA Exam. Create a Conducive Study Atmosphere. Learning Styles and Studying for the CMA Exam. Establish the Mindset and Habits for Effective Studying.
  • A

    Answered by

    Aalisha Rizvi | Contributor-Level 6

    a year ago
    The first and the four most rule to prepare for the CMA Exam is to finish your module for the respective subjects as most of the concepts need to be understood from the institutes study material. After finishing the module you need to refer past years papers and solve them accordingly to get an idea of paper format, level of exam etc. You can also referred to ABC analysis of each and every subject done by the subject experts on YouTube and prepare the most important topics for the topics of A category first then moving on to the b and c category. Doing smart study enhance is your knowledge and increases your productivity. One more trip
  • Hi CMA Exam study tips
    Use a CMA Exam prep course. Using the best CMA Exam prep will make your CMA study journey much easier and increase your chances of passing on your first attempt. Decide which part you're taking first. Build a realistic study plan. Create a productive study environment.
  • D

    Answered by

    deepika maurya | Guide-Level 15

    a year ago
    Preparation tips for the CMA exam:
    1- You need to know the complete syllabus of the CMA Exam very well.
    2- You need to know the complete exam pattern of the CMA Exam very well.
    3- You need to keep your concepts clear while preparing for the CMA Exam.
    4- One thing which I would like to suggest is that start solving tough questions because if you can solve tough questions then any paper would be easy for you.
    5- Attempt the CMA Exam mock tests and solve the CMA Exam previous year's papers. For more preparation details, you may visit the Shikhsa CMA Exam page. ( I hope this w
  • P

    Answered by

    palak mahajan | Contributor-Level 8

    a year ago
    Hi Deepika, Use CMA Exam prep course. Decide which part you're taking first, build a realistic study plan, create productivity study environment. Through online classes get material syllabus at approachable way.

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