How is CGPA calculated at Atmiya University?

0 86 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by sandhya

  • 2 Answers

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    Answered by

    Priyanshu Shroti | Contributor-Level 8

    a year ago

    Here are the steps on how CGPA is calculated at Atmiya University:


    1. *Assigning grade points:* Each letter grade is assigned a specific grade point. For example, an A grade may be worth 4.0 grade points, a B grade may be worth 3.0 grade points, and so on.

    2. *Calculating the semester GPA:* For each semester, the grade points for all the courses taken are added together and then divided by the total number of credit hours.

    3. *Calculating the cumulative GPA:* The semester GPAs are then added together and divided by the total number of semesters completed.


    For example, if a student takes 15 credit hours in their first semester a

  • At Atmiya University, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is typically calculated based on the grading system and the credit hours assigned to each course. While the exact calculation method may vary depending on the university's specific policies, here is a general outline of how CGPA is commonly calculated:

    1. Assigning Grade Points: At Atmiya University, each letter grade is typically assigned a specific grade point. For example, the following grading scale may be used:

      • A+: 10
      • A: 9
      • B+: 8
      • B: 7
      • C+: 6
      • C: 5
      • D: 4
      • F: 0

      The exact grade points assigned to each letter grade may differ, so it's important to refer to the university's official grading


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