At Dayananda Sagar University (DSU), the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated based on the grading system and credit hours assigned to each course. Here's a general overview of how CGPA is calculated at DSU:
Grade Points: Each course at DSU is assigned a specific number of credits, which represents its weightage in the overall calculation. Additionally, each grade is associated with a corresponding grade point. The grade points at DSU typically follow a scale from 10 to 4, where 10 is the highest grade point (usually denoted as 'S' for Satisfactory) and 4 is the lowest passing grade point (usually denoted as 'D').
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At Dayananda Sagar University (DSU), the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated based on the grading system and credit hours assigned to each course. Here's a general overview of how CGPA is calculated at DSU:
Grade Points: Each course at DSU is assigned a specific number of credits, which represents its weightage in the overall calculation. Additionally, each grade is associated with a corresponding grade point. The grade points at DSU typically follow a scale from 10 to 4, where 10 is the highest grade point (usually denoted as 'S' for Satisfactory) and 4 is the lowest passing grade point (usually denoted as 'D').
Credit Hours: Each course has a designated number of credit hours, which reflects the amount of time and effort required to complete the course successfully. The credit hours assigned to a course indicate its weightage in the overall CGPA calculation.
Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation: To calculate the GPA for a particular semester, the grade points earned in each course are multiplied by the corresponding credit hours for that course. The sum of these products is divided by the total credit hours taken in that semester. This calculation yields the semester GPA.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Calculation: The CGPA is the average of all the GPAs obtained in each semester. To calculate the CGPA, the total grade points earned in all semesters are divided by the total credit hours taken in all semesters.
Incomplete Grades and Repeating Courses: In case a student receives an incomplete grade or chooses to repeat a course, the new grade obtained in the repeated course will replace the earlier grade for CGPA calculation purposes.
The CGPA is calculated on the basis of all pass grades, except audit courses and courses in which SC / CC grade obtained in all completed semesters.
CGPA = Cumulative points secured in all passed courses (O-P grade) / Cumulative earned credits, excluding audit and SC or CC grade
The grading system at Dayananda Sagar University (DSU) follows a scale of grade points and their corresponding descriptions. The highest grade, denoted as "O" (Outstanding), carries a grade point of 10 and is awarded for exceptional performance, typically ranging from 90.1% to 100%. The grade "A+" (Excellent) corresponds to a grade point of 9 and represents outstanding achievement within the percentage range of 80.1% to 90%. A grade of "A" (Very Good) signifies a grade point of 8 and indicates a highly commendable performance between 70.1% to 80%. For good performance falling in the range of 60.1% to 70%, the grade "B+" (Good) is assigned, carrying a grade point of 7. The grade "B" (Above Average) with a grade point of 6 is given to scores between 55.1% and 60%. "C" (Average), with a grade point of 5, reflects satisfactory performance within the range of 50.1% to 55%. The grade "P" (Pass) represents a minimum passing grade, with a grade point of 4, awarded for scores between 45.1% and 50%. Students who obtain marks between 40% and 44.9% receive the grade "E" (Pass with low grades) and a grade point of 2. Lastly, the grade "F" (Fail) denotes a score below 40% and carries a grade point of 0. These grades and their descriptions provide a comprehensive assessment of a student's performance in their courses at DSU.
<p>At Dayananda Sagar University (DSU), the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated based on the grading system and credit hours assigned to each course. Here's a general overview of how CGPA is calculated at DSU:</p><ol><li><p>Grade Points: Each course at DSU is assigned a specific number of credits, which represents its weightage in the overall calculation. Additionally, each grade is associated with a corresponding grade point. The grade points at DSU typically follow a scale from 10 to 4, where 10 is the highest grade point (usually denoted as 'S' for Satisfactory) and 4 is the lowest passing grade point (usually denoted as 'D').</p></li><li><p>Credit Hours: Each course has a designated number of credit hours, which reflects the amount of time and effort required to complete the course successfully. The credit hours assigned to a course indicate its weightage in the overall CGPA calculation.</p></li><li><p>Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation: To calculate the GPA for a particular semester, the grade points earned in each course are multiplied by the corresponding credit hours for that course. The sum of these products is divided by the total credit hours taken in that semester. This calculation yields the semester GPA.</p></li><li><p>Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Calculation: The CGPA is the average of all the GPAs obtained in each semester. To calculate the CGPA, the total grade points earned in all semesters are divided by the total credit hours taken in all semesters.</p></li><li><p>Incomplete Grades and Repeating Courses: In case a student receives an incomplete grade or chooses to repeat a course, the new grade obtained in the repeated course will replace the earlier grade for CGPA calculation purposes.</p></li></ol><p>The CGPA is calculated on the basis of all pass grades, except audit courses and courses in which SC / CC grade obtained in all completed semesters.</p><p>CGPA = Cumulative points secured in all passed courses (O-P grade) / Cumulative earned credits, excluding audit and SC or CC grade</p><div><div><div><div><div><div><p>The grading system at Dayananda Sagar University (DSU) follows a scale of grade points and their corresponding descriptions. The highest grade, denoted as "O" (Outstanding), carries a grade point of 10 and is awarded for exceptional performance, typically ranging from 90.1% to 100%. The grade "A+" (Excellent) corresponds to a grade point of 9 and represents outstanding achievement within the percentage range of 80.1% to 90%. A grade of "A" (Very Good) signifies a grade point of 8 and indicates a highly commendable performance between 70.1% to 80%. For good performance falling in the range of 60.1% to 70%, the grade "B+" (Good) is assigned, carrying a grade point of 7. The grade "B" (Above Average) with a grade point of 6 is given to scores between 55.1% and 60%. "C" (Average), with a grade point of 5, reflects satisfactory performance within the range of 50.1% to 55%. The grade "P" (Pass) represents a minimum passing grade, with a grade point of 4, awarded for scores between 45.1% and 50%. Students who obtain marks between 40% and 44.9% receive the grade "E" (Pass with low grades) and a grade point of 2. Lastly, the grade "F" (Fail) denotes a score below 40% and carries a grade point of 0. These grades and their descriptions provide a comprehensive assessment of a student's performance in their courses at DSU.<button></button></p></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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