How is CGPA calculated at Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras?

0 73 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Shivani

  • 2 Answers

  • M

    Answered by

    Mayank Chauhan

    a year ago

    The Institute of Distance Education (IDE), University of Madras follows a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system to calculate the overall academic performance of students. The CGPA is a standardized method used to evaluate and represent a student's performance across multiple semesters or years of study. Here's a general overview of how CGPA is calculated at IDE:

    1. Grade Points: Each course or subject in IDE is assigned a specific number of credits (often referred to as credit hours) based on its academic weightage. Along with the credits, a grade is awarded to the student for each course based on their performance in internal exams

  • K

    Answered by

    Kanishka varshney

    a year ago

    The University of Madras' Institute of Distance Education (IDE) uses a particular formula to determine the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) for each of its programs. The CGPA is a metric used to assess a student's academic progress over a given time frame. Here is a general explanation of how IDE generally calculates CGPA:

    Credit System: IDE has a credit system in which a set number of credits are allocated to each course or subject. The course's weight or worth in terms of academic effort is represented by the credits.

    A grade is given to the student at the end of each course depending on how well they did on their assignments, pro


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