How is GIBS, Bangalore for pursuing MBA? How are its placements?

0 61 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 4 Answers

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  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Zubin Mehta Expert Advisor for Senior Management. | Scholar-Level 17

    7 years ago
    You will get lot of practical exposures and opportunities to learn and explore you capabilities. GIBS focuses on 7:3 ratio, 70% practical and 30% theory. You get every week two to three guest lectures where you directly interact with the personalities from the corporate world and can understand the current scenarios in the corporates.
    All the students are in one or other committees or clubs like marketing, hr, finance and many more where the programs and activities of your respective clubs and committees would arranged by yourselves and can use any of your skills to implement the same. Almost all states festivals we have celebrated and
  • R

    Answered by

    Rohit Kumar | Contributor-Level 7

    2 years ago
    Hi. Chintala. As we all Know that PGDM is equivalent to MBA when it is accredited by Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and it must also be of two years to be equivalent to an MBA/PGDM. GIBS Bangalore college is one of the Top best colleges in Bangalore to study MBA/PGDM with a affordable fee structure and high quality of output, you can have a good expose in this college. Here in this college, good placements are also there, you can build your career in an excellent way how you are expecting. This college will support you in all the ways. Even if you want to build your own business, Management will support you and guide you alwa
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Abhishek Desai | Scholar-Level 17

    7 years ago
    Hello Chintala,
    GIBS is a decent option for pursuing MBA in Bangalore.
    Kindly visit the given link for details regarding the placements, rankings, fee structure, etc.
    I hope it helps.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    You get every week two to three guest lectures where you directly interact with the personalities from the corporate world and can understand the current scenarios in the corporates. All the students are in one or other committees or clubs like marketing, hr, finance and many more where the programs and activities of your respective clubs and committees would arranged by yourselves and can use any of your skills to implement the same. Almost all states festivals we have celebrated and all the major functions are managed by the students itself under the support of entire management. Two of our best students opened up their own clubs nam

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