Manonmaniam Sundaranar University is located at Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. It has the following infrastructural facilities to support its academic and research work.
*Campus and Buildings:*
Main Campus:* This is on 520 acres of land at Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli. The greater part of the university departments has been accommodated on this campus.
Satellite Campuses: A 120-acre campus at Alwarkurichi houses the Sri Parama Kalyani Centre for Environmental Sciences, and a 70-acre campus at Rajakkamangalam accommodates the Centre for Marine Sciences and Technology.
Campus Facilities:
Class rooms and laboratories are well-equipped; many of the classrooms are smart classrooms, and there are also a number of departmental well-equipped laboratories. Such as in case of Pharmaceutical chemistry, it comprises synthesis laboratory, testing and developments of analytical methods, etc.
Research Equipment:* The faculty is well-equipped with the latest and most sophisticated instruments like UV-Visible and NIR Spectrophotometers, FTIR Spectrometers, Fluorescence Spectrometers, Gas Chromatography, and Liquid Chromograph Mass Spectrometers to support advanced research activities.
*Health and Wellness:*
Health Centre:* This unit was launched in 2010. There is outpatient treatment and an inpatient ward with ECG facilities, physiotherapy, and dispensaries. A clinical laboratory and ambulance service are also available. Working hours: 9 AM-5 PM.
*Computing and Connectivity:*
Center for Computing: Wi-Fi facility on the entire campus along with VOIP-based intercom was launched in 2017. Internet and computing resources with technical support to students and staff members
*Library and Information Services:* There are an ample number of books, journals, and e-resources that would facilitate academic and research works. Articles published in prominent journals can be retrieved from the computer Science departments.
*Student Facilities:* Hostel Facilities
Current sources cannot say if hostel accommodation is available or not. Generally, most units of colleges provide hostel accommodations; food is proper and medical care is well-facilitated.
Sports and Recreation
Indoor and playground games and activities for sound physical health of students.
Generally, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University assures giving grounds with full-fledged support and facility building to provide them with a very vibrant learning and researching atmosphere.