How is the SNAP score and percentile calculated?

0 104 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 2 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Prerit Kohli I'm creative, passionate and hard working | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    This is how percentile is calculated:
    The kth percentile is a value in a data set that splits the data into two pieces: The lower piece contains k percent of the data, and the upper piece contains the rest of the data (which amounts to [100 k] percent, because the total amount of data is 100%). Note: k is any number between 0 and 100.
    To calculate the kth percentile (where k is any number between zero and one hundred), do the following steps:
    A- Order all the values in the data set from smallest to largest.
    B- Multiply k percent by the total number of values, n.
    This number is called the index.
    C- If the index obtained in Step 2 is not a
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Pulkit Taneja

    7 years ago
    There are two scores. First, the SNAP score out of 180 which is scaled down to 40. For example, if my score is 90 out of 180, my scaled score will be 20 {(90/180) * 40 = 20}. This is called SNAP score. And SNAP has given this in terms of percentile.

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