How many students can do a B.Tech at Vinayaka Missions University?

0 10 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Nishar Ahmed

  • 3 Answers

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    Answered by

    K Sivaram Achary | Contributor-Level 8

    a year ago

    The number of students who can do a B.Tech. at Vinayaka Missions University depends on the intake capacity of the university for different branches of engineering. The university offers B.Tech. in various specializations such as computer Science and engineering, artificial intelligence and data science, information technology, pharmaceutical engineering, biotechnology, and bioinformatics. The university has two campuses for engineering: Salem and Chennai.

    Computer Science and EngineeringSalem60
    Computer Science and EngineeringChennai60
    Artificial Intelligence and Data ScienceSalem60
    Information TechnologySalem60
    Information TechnologyChennai60
    Pharmaceutical EngineeringSalem60

    Therefore, the total number of students who can do a B.Tech. at Vinayaka Missions University is 480. However, this number may vary depending on the availability of seats, the merit of

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Mayank Kumar singh | Contributor-Level 7

    a year ago

    The number of seats for B.Tech programs at Vinayaka Missions University (VMU) varies from year to year. However, the university typically offers around 1000 seats for B.Tech programs across various disciplines. Here is a breakdown of the approximate number of seats for each B.Tech programme in 2023:

    B.Tech ProgramApproximate Number of Seats
    Computer Science and Engineering250
    Electronics and Communication Engineering200
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering200
    Mechanical Engineering150
    Civil Engineering150

    VMU offers Bachelor’s degree in the field of Engineering and Technology in both UG and PG level. The Bachelor of Engineering programme is offered under 13 different specializations and the Bachelor of Technology course is offered under two different specializations. The duration of both the courses is four years. The University also of

  • The number of seats for B.Tech programs at Vinayaka Missions University (VMU) varies from year to year. However, the university typically offers around 1000 seats for B.Tech programs across various disciplines. Here is a breakdown of the approximate number of seats for each B.Tech programme in 2023:

    B.Tech ProgramApproximate Number of Seats
    Computer Science and Engineering250
    Electronics and Communication Engineering200
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering200
    Mechanical Engineering150
    Civil Engineering150

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