How should I prepare for the Written Ability Test (What) conducted by IIMs?

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    Answered by

    Vivek Nandwani | Contributor-Level 7

    7 years ago
    For acing the Written Ability Test that is conducted by the IIMs, following strategies can be followed:
    Reading the newspaper: What tests your ability to form an opinion and thus it is better to boost your knowledge about the current events of the world and analyze its impact. You can use the SPELT (Social, Political, Economic, Legal, and Technical) framework for this. My suggestion would be to use a national daily like Hindu or Economic Times and start reading at least 8-10 articles on a regular basis.
    Following Blogs: You can read blogs that are written by professors of IIMs, SPJIMR or any other institute of India from where you are su
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    Answered by

    Malti Gupta

    7 years ago
    Written Ability test is conducted by various IIMs to check your awareness, analytical and reasoning, the structure of thinking and writing skills. The topics can vary from current affairs, abstract to general opinion on a topic. It's important to read editorials from newspapers like The Hindu which gives an idea of how to write on a particular topic. You can also check the website ( and watch RSTV debates which are used by candidates preparing for IAS. It needs the practice to follow the structure (introduction, body and conclusion), make logical arguments, avoid grammatical mistakes and write the articl
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    Answered by

    Mukul Singh Pundir | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Written Ability Test (WAT) is for admission into IIM-the top premier institute of the country. For this, you need to be more aware of the current affairs, Newspaper, Article, Business newspaper, Blogs, growth rate of the various industry, etc. Also, you must be aware of these as WAT is conducted to check your general aware and your writing skills, that how good your analytical and writing skills are. So to prepare for these, you should regularly read Newspaper like The Hindu, Indian Express, Economic Times, etc. stop reading any Hindi newspaper as only English can help you qualify for GDPI process and also the English newspaper is more
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    Answered by

    KRITESH GUPTA | Guide-Level 13

    7 years ago
    What -Written ability test is to check your knowledge of the current happenings in the world plus the opinion making plus your written communication. So to prepare for What you should go through various newspapers like Indian Express, Hindu, ET, etc. to have different opinions about the issues happening in the world. Then you should practice writing your opinions and summary on What topics. This would help you in increasing speed plus improve your coordination between thoughts and writing. Summarizing a very big article in your own words would help you a lot for What. What writing should be logical, factual and should give a concrete v
  • P

    Answered by

    Pradeepan N

    7 years ago
    You can try by starting to write an article everyday about any topic which is interesting to you. Also since you are preparing for CAT/IIM, I presume that you read newspaper daily. So try summarizing articles which will be helpful not only for what but also in your both professional and personal life.
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    Answered by


    7 years ago
    Indian Institute of management is one of the dream destinations for majority of the students. Cracking the entry level Common Admission Test is a bit difficult task. Each year, lakhs of students appear for this Common Admission Test. But 90% of them are not getting seats in IIMs. IIMs are meant for students who crack Common Admission Test with percentile above 95.
    I was also a student who prepared for CAT immediately after my graduation. The important things which you should look into while preparing for this exam are as follows:
    1. Select one of the best coaching centers which offer quality education- TIME is one of the famous coaching
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    Answered by

    Aditya Doiphode Current Student- NIT, Trichy | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    Written Ability Test (What) is as its name suggests to check your written skills and your knowledge and opinion on current issues or abstract topics.
    This round is taken before the Interview and has weightage in the final score used for selection.
    So the topics are mostly related to serious issues like protection of women or regarding caste discrimination or any of the current political/social issues going on. So one of the important thing is staying updated about the current affairs. For this daily read newspaper and online editorials.
    They just want to see if you have a opinion on that particular topic and can you present it is a organ

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