How to complete the registration Part 1 in ICG Navik application form?

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    Answered by

    Anangsha Patra | Contributor-Level 10

    6 months ago

    The process to complete the Part 1 registration for ICG Navik application are given below:



    Note 1: Name as recorded in the matriculation/secondary examination marksheet
    Note 2: Name (Candidate’s/Father’s/Mother’s Name) given in the application and all the uploaded documents i.e ID Card, educational certificates, category certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS) or any other uploaded document should be same or else the candidature will be cancelled.


    Father's Name

    Note 1: Please do not use any prefix such as Mr or Ms
    Note 2:Father’s Name as recorded in the matriculation/secondary examination marksheet
    Note 3:Father’s Name given in the application and all the uploaded documents i.e ID Card, educational certificates, category certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS) or any other uploaded document should be same or else the candidature will be cancelled.


    Mother's Name

    Note 1: Please do not use any prefix such as Mr or Ms
    Note 2: Mother’s Name as recorded in the matriculation/secondary examination marksheet
    Note 3: Mother’s Name (Candidate’s/Father’s/Mother’s Name) given in the application and all the uploaded documents i.e ID Card, educational certificates, category certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS) or any other uploaded document should be same or else the candidature will be cancelled.



    Select Nationality (Only Indian National can apply)



    Select Gender (Only male candidates are eligible)


    Mobile Number

    Enter Mobile Number


    Email ID

    The email id of profile cannot be changed further so please use working email id


    Confirm e-mail

    Copy Paste restriction. Only typing allowed.


    Generate OTP

    A separate OTP will be sent on e-mail id as well as Mobile (Via SMS) Candidate needs to fill up the same Email OTP is mandatory, if user inputs both OTP email and mobile no. then both will be verified for successful registration.


    OTP On Email Id

    Enter OTP received on Provided Email id


    OTP on SMS:

    Enter OTP received on Provided Mobile Number


    Where did you get information about INDIAN COAST GUARD recruitment ?

    Select the source of information from the dropdown.


    Registration successful message & password sent on your registered Email ID

    “Candidate receives a system generated “Password” on his given “Email ID” and OTP on registered mobile number Candidate shall open Email/ SMS, and note the received Password, for further use


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