How to perpare TANCET exam in MBA?

TANCET exam was very important to PG students.

0 155 Views | Posted 4 years ago

  • 6 Answers

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  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Swapnaneel Bhuiya | Scholar-Level 17

    4 years ago
    The question paper will have the following sections
    A Evaluate the candidate ability to identify critically the data and apply the data to business decisions from given typical business situations
    B Evaluate skill of the candidate in answering questions based on passages in the comprehension
    C Evaluate the skill on solving mathematical problems at graduate level including those learnt in plus two or
    equivalent level
    D Test on determining data sufficiency for answering certain questions using the given data and the knowledge of mathematics and use of day-to-day facts
    E Test the knowledge on written English with questions on errors in usa
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    konatham Abhishek HeLpINg HaNd FiRsT | Scholar-Level 16

    4 years ago
    Hello Sujithra,
    A- Evaluate the candidate ability to identify critically the data and apply the data to business decisions from given typical business situations.
    B- Evaluate skill of the candidate in answering questions based on passages in the comprehension.
    C- Evaluate the skill on solving mathematical problems at graduate level including those learnt in plus two or equivalent level.
    D- Test on determining data sufficiency for answering certain questions using the given data and the knowledge of mathematics and use of day-to-day facts.
    E- Test the knowledge on written English with questions on errors in usage grammar punctuation, etc.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Abhishek Desai | Scholar-Level 17

    4 years ago
    Hello,Revise the basic concepts and formulas well. Be updated about the current affairs. Practice last year's papers properly and have faith in yourself. Good luck.
  • N

    Answered by

    Nikhil Soni | Contributor-Level 9

    4 years ago
    You can prepare for TANCET 2019 Question Booklet can be obtained from the Centre for Entrance Examinations at the cost of Rs 25 by DD or cash per booklet
    MBA TANCET Exam date February 29 2020 0230 PM To 0430 PM
    The MBA TANCET syllabus covers the following as under
    The question paper will have the following sections
    A Evaluate the candidate ability to identify critically the data and apply the data to business decisions from given typical business situations
    B Evaluate skill of the candidate in answering questions based on passages in the comprehension
    C Evaluate the skill on solving mathematical problems at graduate level including those lea
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Diwakar Goel Let there be light where it is dark!!🌞🌞 | Scholar-Level 16

    4 years ago
    TANCET 2019 Question Booklet can be obtained from the Centre for Entrance Examinations at the cost of Rs 25 by DD or cash per booklet
    MBA TANCET Exam date February 29 2020 0230 PM To 0430 PM
    The MBA TANCET syllabus covers the following as under
    The question paper will have the following sections
    A Evaluate the candidate ability to identify critically the data and apply the data to business decisions from given typical business situations
    B Evaluate skill of the candidate in answering questions based on passages in the comprehension
    C Evaluate the skill on solving mathematical problems at graduate level including those learnt in plus two o
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design) | Scholar-Level 18

    4 years ago
    TANCET 2019 Question Booklet can be obtained from the Centre for Entrance Examinations at the cost of Rs 25 by DD or cash per booklet
    MBA TANCET Exam date February 29 2020 0230 PM To 0430 PM
    The MBA TANCET syllabus covers the following as under
    The question paper will have the following sections
    A Evaluate the candidate ability to identify critically the data and apply the data to business decisions from given typical business situations
    B Evaluate skill of the candidate in answering questions based on passages in the comprehension
    C Evaluate the skill on solving mathematical problems at graduate level including those learnt in plus two or

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