I am a B.Tech ECE 2nd year student. Is it beneficial for me to prepare for IIT JAM?

0 119 Views | Posted 6 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Hello Shweta,
    For post graduate engineering programs, you need to write GATE (graduate aptitude test in Engineering). IIT JAM is for M.Sc, MCA courses etc.
    So, you can prepare for GATE Exam.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Swapnaneel Bhuiya | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    IIT JAM is an exam for B.Sc student mostly, but there are a few engineering students every year who take a turn and move in this direction. Now, benefits of IIT JAM are:
    Mathematics (as you can't get Physics and Chemistry being an engineering Graduate). Lower competition than GATE, but again it's a new arena for an engineering student for odds aren't the real problem, and the most important, even if it's tough, a Bachelors in Engineering especially non-core like ECE/CSE with Masters in Mathematics is a rare and deadly combination for academic and industrial requirements. I myself is on the same boat, and therefore I know the feeling
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Apoorva Dutta Information Science|Research | Contributor-Level 7

    6 years ago
    Hi Shweta,
    IIT JAM is an exam for B.Sc student mostly, but there are a few engineering students every year who take a turn and move in this direction. Now, benefits of IIT JAM are:
    Mathematics (as you can't get Physics and Chemistry being an engineering Graduate).
    Lower competition than GATE but again it's a new arena for an engineering student for odds aren't the real problem
    and the most important, even if it's tough, a Bachelors in Engineering especially non-core like ECE/CSE with Masters in Mathematics is a rare and deadly combination for academic and industrial requirements. I myself is on the same boat and therefore I know the

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