I am a student of B.Tech civil but my degree is not yet completed due to back exams till 6th year. What should I do to get a job?
I am not able to find a job due to my backlogs and poor marks in class 12th. Should I go for another course like language, any technical course or for BPO? I can't stay at home anymore since its hectic. Though I don't have any pressure from my parents but I am fed up. Kindly guide, what to do?
2 Answers
For B.Tech, the minimum programme duration is 4 years and maximum duration is 6 years including all backlogs. As per AICTE, after 6 years, the student is not fit for technical education. If you really want to study, you must go for various Degree courses through distance mode since it will be best if you go for a Degree course along with a job.
Why not to complete your back log if possible? If not, check if your passed subjects can get you a diploma. If that is also not possible, join BPO, KPO or any job and take your graduation degree from correspondence simultaneously. Another option is to go abroad for a diploma but I need to see if how much percentage you got in 12th.
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