I am studying 3rd year in B.Com. How to prepare for LLB entrance exam?

0 102 Views | Posted 7 years ago
Asked by chiroshree Roy

  • 5 Answers

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    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    After graduation, one has the option to pursue 3-year post-graduation LL.B. For preparation, it is advisable to narrow down your studies depending on the college of choice. As a general guideline, the prospective candidate should have a good hold general legal knowledge, both static and current. S/he should also focus on the current affairs and recent developments in law. The Universal Guide to LL.B. Is a good book for preparation for any entrance exam. Going through it several times from cover to cover is a very good idea. Specific to the colleges one is trying to get into, the candidate should go through previous years papers to be f
  • A

    Answered by

    Amit Jain

    7 years ago
    The first step for preparing for any exam is to first check the syllabus for the exam. Although most LLB exams will be more or less on same pattern, but still there will variations among various exams for LLb In different exams. Having said that basic legal knowledge and knowledge of constitution is a must as many questions are asked from these spheres. A newspaper is a must as it will take part of the general knowledge section. You may also be required to study logical reasoning and thus a good book on logical reasoning will be sufficient. Studying relevant material is the most important thing and thus it is necessary to know the exa
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Mishika Singh Lawyer by profession | Contributor-Level 7

    7 years ago
    After graduation, one has the option to pursue 3-year post-graduation LLB.
    For preparation, it is advisable to narrow down your studies depending on the college of choice.
    As a general guideline, the prospective candidate should have a good hold general legal knowledge, both static and current. S/he should also focus on the current affairs and recent developments in law. The Universal Guide to LLB is a good book for preparation for any entrance exam. Going through it several times from cover to cover is a very good idea.
    Specific to the colleges one is trying to get into, the candidate should go through previous years papers to be familia
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    Answered by

    Susnigdho Bhattacharyya

    7 years ago
    After your graduation, you are eligible for 3 years LL.B. course. There are many universities in India who provide this course. All they have separate entrance examination. Basically, you need to prepare on general knowledge. For that read newspaper and get updated. Also, study Manoroma yearbook for further updates. There are various books available in the market for law entrance examination. There are many books on logical reasons which you need to study hard. This is the most important part. And don't forget to prepare English language. Universal's law entrance book is best available in the market.
  • M

    Answered by

    Meenal Bhargava

    7 years ago
    There are certain universities offering three year LLB course after graduation, topmost being Delhi University, Mumbai University, Banaras Hindu University and Panjab University. All the universities have their separate exams. Mostly, you need to focus on static and current GK for which you can buy this book called 'Lucent's General knowledge'. As regards legal reasoning and knowledge is concerned, you can buy either of the two books named 'Universal's guide to LLB Entrance' and 'S.S. Guide to LLB entrance'. These two books cover your basic legal, logical reasoning and English part. Both English and LR are not of much weightage in LLB

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