I have 358 out of 360 in my boards HSE and 256 marks in KEAM what will be my rank?

Rank prediction for KEAM.

0 54 Views | Posted 3 years ago
Asked by sooraj s

  • 2 Answers

  • M

    Answered by

    Mamona Majumder | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    You scored 71% in HSE and 26.67% in the KEAM exam. However, one cannot provide you with an accurate rank as it depends on various factors such as the number of students who appeared for the exam, their scores, and other factors. The KEAM cutoff for engineering courses will be released after the exam is conducted on May 17th and the result is out. You can check the KEAM cutoff for previous years to get an idea of what rank you might get with your score. KEAM cut-off marks are published in the form of last rank round-wise and category-wise. KEAM cutoff is available on the official website after each round of KEAM seat allotment. Candidat
  • U

    Answered by

    Udita Das | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    Congratulations on your excellent performance! Based on your marks, you have scored 71% in HSE and 26.67% in KEAM exam. However, I am unable to provide you with an accurate rank as it depends on various factors such as the number of students who appeared for the exam, their scores, and other factors. The KEAM cutoff for engineering courses will be released after the exam is conducted on May 17th. You can check the KEAM cutoff for previous years to get an idea of what rank you might get with your score. I hope this helps!

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