I'm a Diploma holder (information technology). What are the course options for me? Please suggest colleges too.

My last exam's CGPA was 9.4 in information technology (Diploma) so in which course/stream is best for me and which college is best for me? (many top colleges and NITs ask for JEE marksheet but as for Diploma I didn't given JEE exam). So suggest best colleges for D to D engineering.

0 9 Views | Posted 2 years ago

  • 2 Answers

  • A

    Answered by

    Afifa Asif | Contributor-Level 7

    a year ago
    As a Diploma holder in information technology, you have several course options available to you. Here are some of the popular courses that you can consider:
    1. Bachelor of Science B.Sc. In Information Technology: This is a 3-year undergraduate course that covers various aspects of information technology, including programming, software development, database management, computer networks, and cybersecurity.
    2. Bachelor of Computer Applications BCA This is a 3-year undergraduate course that focuses on computer applications and covers topics such as programming languages, software development, database management, and web development.
    3. D
  • M

    Answered by

    Manepalli Vamsi Sasidhar

    a year ago
    You have a variety of course alternatives accessible to you if you obtain an information technology Diploma. Upon the completion of your degrees, you might choose to take some of these well-liked courses:1. Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Information Technology2. Bachelor of Science B.Sc. In Information Technology3. Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)4. Bachelor of Science B.Sc. In Computer Science5. Bachelor of Information Management (BIM). .

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