I need the best option among these colleges below: RIIM Pune, PIBM Pune, IILM Gurugram, UBS Mumbai. Please help me to choose better one.

I got admitted in all these colleges.

0 385 Views | Posted 6 years ago
Asked by Praveen Jangid

  • 26 Answers

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  • N

    Answered by

    navya singh

    3 years ago
    RIIM Pune is the best option to do your management programme as it is the 1st Corporate style B-school in Pune giving student a feel to work in big MNCs from Day 1 and not only that their curriculum is also updated according to current industry trends which make students job ready once they enter the Market.
  • K

    Answered by

    Kaberi choudhary | Contributor-Level 7

    3 years ago
    All institutions are definitely good. But if you consider some important parameters like ROI, Placement Scenario, Course Curriculum and Quality of education RIIM Pune will be a step ahead in comparison with others. RIIM PUNE is providing Pune University affiliated MBA programme and AICTE approved PGDM programme and it is considered as PUNE's 1st Corporate Style B-School. The Course Structure of this institute is mostly Practical Exposure Oriented. Placement Readiness training, Communication and Leadership Skill Development Sessions, Value added Certification Courses, Regional and outbound Educational Trips, Case Study based sessions, M
  • T

    Answered by

    tirna dam | Contributor-Level 9

    3 years ago
    I am not aware of other colleges and about their training pedagogies but as an ex- student of Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) therefore I can share my personal experience regarding the college. If you want excellent academics and placement. I can say that PIBM is one of the best emerging Management Colleges. I can assure you to join PIBM as it is one of the top B-Schools in India. PIBM also successfully transformed 6000+ Alumni into a successful business professional through rigorous training by providing:
    Industry-aligned Training. Business Orientation programme. Extensive Corporate Interactions and training. Sector - Comp
  • G

    Answered by


    3 years ago
    RIIM Pune has curriculum called employability. In this employability students are given different opportunities for learning and building there knowledge and personality. They provide 500+ ADVANCED EMPLOYABILITY & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (AELDP) where they with upon Enhancing English Spoken & Written Ability, Comprehensive Aptitude training & testing, IT Skills Development, Placement Readiness Training (Rigorous Mock Group Discussions and Personal Interviews with Industry Expert Panellists), Leadership Lab, Corporate Launchpad, Student Committees and Functional Clubs.
  • J

    Answered by

    jaineet kumar

    4 years ago
    All the above college are good, but I prefer the student to go for RIIM Pune as it is a good institute and they have the best ROI in there campus if I compare with any other college. RIIM Pune offers the best faculty members, best placement team, a huge number of industrial visits and educational trips to national and international visit and the best part about riim is about there placements package. The student should always focus on ROI and placement of the college.
  • T

    Answered by

    tulika | Contributor-Level 6

    4 years ago
    If you will go through the above colleges all colleges are very good, but if you will check different factors then you can differentiate it very well. RIIM Pune has very fewer fees and they are giving you very high packages in placements therefore return on investment becomes very good. If you will compare the fees of other colleges then RIIM has very fewer fees and they are giving you a number of practical exposure and industrial visits as well as different certifications from good institutions that will help you for your resume building and your career growth. The placement team of this college is also very good, there are four peopl
  • A

    Answered by

    Aisha Dey | Contributor-Level 7

    6 years ago
    Among them, RIIM Pune is a good institute. Particularly, they have the best ROI. RIIM Pune offers the best faculty members, best placement team, a huge number of industrial visits and educational trips to London or Dubai. They offer a minimum 4 lakhs placement package to every student.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Arshad Ahmed | Contributor-Level 7

    6 years ago
    Pune Institute of Business Management is one of the top B-Schools in India. PIBM gives you a perfect opportunity to learn Business experienced from the Faculty members and Corporate Heads. PIBMs unique training methodology helps you to get ready for industry norms from the very first day of your corporate career. PIBMPune becoming the 20th Best B-School in India and 12th Best Private B-School in India as per The Times of India's B-School Rankings 2018.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    UBS kurne | Contributor-Level 8

    6 years ago
    UBS is the 1st B-School in India to provide a PGDM with foreign collaboration in partnership with Cardiff Met. University, UK which is a 150 years old British University and ranked No. 1 Modern University in UK with 80000 Alumni. UBS ROI is higher than SPJIMR and NMIMS. UBS has been endorsed by 60 CEO.
  • S

    Answered by

    sunny sheth

    4 years ago
    As I am a student of RIIM college, I will definitely suggest to choose RIIM-PUNE for your management studies. RIIM Pune provides MBA degree from Savitribai Phule Pune University and PGDM course. Also, with dual specialization. The course fee is affordable i.e between INR 4.5 lacs - INR 6 lac for two years including dual specialization. They will provide you 20+ industrial visits within 2 years, different certification programs, summer and winter internship, regional and outbound trips, international trips also which is very important for MBA/PGDM students. RIIM is the best option for ROI also. The average package of RIIM college is INR

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