I've completed MSBTE, Diploma in fire service engineering. Can I get admission for Advanced Diploma in industrial safety?
Asked about Government Polytechnic, Mumbai - Advance Diploma in Industrial Safety
Asked by Pravin Ghumare
3 Answers
MSBTE aprovel college of Fire Engineering college
Course- Advance diploma in Industrial safety -
Hi Pravin,
Yes, if you have three years of diploma in Fire service engineering then you can apply for Advance diploma or even you can apply for Postgraduate program in Industrial safety course, If you want to do advance diploma in industrial safety then go with UPES distance learning university because it's valid and it has name in the market. Side by side you can do your work along with study as UPES has distance learning mode and they conduct online exams too. -
As you already have completed your Diploma in fire services, so you are eligible to take admission in advance diploma in industrial safety. You should apply for this course.
Best of luck.
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