Hi Vishal,
With the increasing reliance on computer systems, job opportunities for computer engineers have been increasing rapidly. The Diploma-holders in CSE are also regularly recruited by armed forces, PSUs and in the private sector. Nowadays almost all organizations and companies are reliant on computers. So, all companies require computer engineers for development, maintenance and repair of computer systems. So, Diploma computer engineers can work as:
Software Engineer
Hardware Engineer
Networking Engineer
Software Tester
Web Designer
App Developer
Project Engineer
#Job in IT Companies
Computer manufacturing units recruit Computer engineer
Hi Vishal,
With the increasing reliance on computer systems, job opportunities for computer engineers have been increasing rapidly. The Diploma-holders in CSE are also regularly recruited by armed forces, PSUs and in the private sector. Nowadays almost all organizations and companies are reliant on computers. So, all companies require computer engineers for development, maintenance and repair of computer systems. So, Diploma computer engineers can work as:
Software Engineer
Hardware Engineer
Networking Engineer
Software Tester
Web Designer
App Developer
Project Engineer
#Job in IT Companies
Computer manufacturing units recruit Computer engineers at junior level for designing and manufacturing sensors, VLSI Chips, Micro Processors, Micro Controllers, Circuit Boards and other various parts. #Job opportunities in the telecommunication sector
Junior Computer engineers are also regularly recruited by well-known recruiters in telecom sectors. With more and more modernization, the job opportunity for Diploma engineers in Computer Science is ever increasing.
#Job opportunities in software development firms
Nowadays the field of Android App development has been flourishing at a great pace. Diploma engineers can find suitable jobs in this field also.
#Career opportunity in armed forces
Indian armed forces are becoming more and more technology driven. Every year, hundreds of junior engineers are recruited by three wings of armed forces. Generally, Diploma engineers work in various fields like Signals Department, maintenance of Radar, on-board computers and in various other related fields. It is felt that compared to the Army, more job opportunities are available in the Indian Air Force and Indian Navy for Diploma holders in Computer Science. So far as the Indian Navy is concerned, Diploma engineers also get the opportunity to work on-board of the naval ship. #Career opportunity in PSUs
Various technology-based public sector undertakings regularly appoint junior level Computer engineers every year. In this connection, we must mention Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL), Bharat Electronics Limited (BHEL), Indian Telephone Industries (ITI) and various other public sector undertakings, which regularly recruit Diploma engineers in CSE. Similarly, State Government PSUs also appoint many Diploma engineers in Computer Science.