If I want to Enroll in MBA (Finance) in Distance Education, which university is the best university in Distance Education in Durgapur, WB
If I want to Enroll in MBA (Finance) in Distance Education, which university is the best university in Distance Education in Durgapur, WB
Asked by Soumyabrata Acharyya
2 Answers
SInce distance education doesnt involve any contact sessions, I would suggest you to try for the best institutes like NMIMS, IMT-CDL, SCDL, SMU-DE and IGNOU. They will just send you the course content. You have to study on your own and write exams. That is what distance education is. NMIMS and IMT(distance learning course) are ranked withing top 20 in india and hence will be good from career perspectives too.
All the best.
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