I am currently starting the fourth year of my five year B.A. + LL.B. Integrated programme at Chandigarh University. I have been a part of this university as a new joiner, as a student hosting a farewell for seniors, then as a senior myself, as a participant in the live-wire Tashan Nights and electric concerts, as an audience in brain picking seminars and Moot Courts, as a contestant in events (as a winner and a loser), as an organizer and a co-coordinator, as an anchor at an international event, a host during high profile CAB meets all of these speak of what one can do and achieve as a student at Chandigarh University. I am a day board
I am currently starting the fourth year of my five year B.A. + LL.B. Integrated programme at Chandigarh University. I have been a part of this university as a new joiner, as a student hosting a farewell for seniors, then as a senior myself, as a participant in the live-wire Tashan Nights and electric concerts, as an audience in brain picking seminars and Moot Courts, as a contestant in events (as a winner and a loser), as an organizer and a co-coordinator, as an anchor at an international event, a host during high profile CAB meets all of these speak of what one can do and achieve as a student at Chandigarh University. I am a day boarder but for official events and activities, I have lived the happiness of hostel life with my friends also. The most impressionable influence in all these circumstances have been my faculty members! They are the rock solid foundation that any and every student leans on be it the content taught in class, the exam time, the various competitions, project work and for no particular reason too your CC (class co-coordinator) is always with you. All faculty members are learned, experienced, supportive, understanding they create an environment of learning and polishing our competitive instinct. This is unlike any other educational institute I know and I know from the vast spectrum of my friends and cousins, studying in state-run institutes and high end colleges. Mostly they have mentioned that faculty comes to the class, teaches them for as long as a lecture is supposed to be and then leave - their teachers are very professional. Thank God, in CU Im blessed with faculty who understand the space you need to grow. They are giving and forgiving too. The education standards match the best in the industry. Here students are allowed to be a part of every important activity, for eg there is a Board of Studies which studies and approves/improves the course content and syllabus this is like any other university, but in CU students are a part of BOS this is unlike any other university. Students opinion is also included in upgradation of their course content! Infact, this year for the CAB (Corporate Advisory Board) Meeting, for the first time, students handled 80% of all the activities. Chandigarh University is completely a student centric university. Student teams are a part of several important decision making sessions and interact with their Club/committee faculty co-coordinators, Dean Students Welfare, HOD and directors.