Is Chandigarh University good for aerospace or should I choose LPU or Hindustan University?

0 44 Views | Posted 4 years ago
Asked by Venkatesh Sai

  • 6 Answers

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  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Dharamveer Dheer Educator at University | Scholar-Level 18

    4 years ago
    Aerospace is a niche area, the skills required in industry are beyond the course curriculum of most of the universities. None out of CU and Hindustan university have intellectual capital and infrastructure to curate this programme. LPU has recognised this and developed the curriculum in consultation with the industry. It has even set up center for space research with mission control facility.
    LPU has set an ambitious goal of developing a satellite LPUSAT-1, which will be launched next year (2021)
    The Center will enable students and
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Ashish Sharma Education Consultant, Political Analyst, traveler. | Scholar-Level 17

    4 years ago
    Hi Venkatesh, B.Tech in Aerospace engineering is one of the most sought after programs in LPU. LPU is way ahead in this field as it has even set up the Center for space research and mission control.
    There are training electives, to enable students to develop specific training oriented towards practicality and hands on exposure. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
    This course will help in analyzing the suitable professional level while learning the latest techniques, interpret and apply the expertise and knowledge learned in the course of the degree
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Rajdeep Sharma Alumni of Lovely Professional University | Guide-Level 15

    3 years ago
    Aerospace Engineering is a branch of Engineering that provides skills and knowledge to design, manufacture and maintain spacecrafts, aircrafts, missiles and weapons systems. A large part of Aerospace Engineering consists of Mechanical Engineering covering a wide range of topics, including computer application, structures, mathematics, Physics drafting, electricity, robotics, aeronautics etc. It also covers two aspects of engineering, namely Aeronautical Engineering and Astronomical Engineering. Aerospace Engineering is considered to among the toughest branches of engineering that has carved its niche among the students. However, once c
  • N

    Answered by

    Niharika Singh | Guide-Level 15

    3 years ago
    Hi, Aerospace engineers develop new technologies for use in aviation, defense systems, and spacecraft. Aerospace engineering focuses on designing both aircraft and spacecraft and it is a study of all the space crafts used within and out of the earth's atmosphere while Aeronautical Engineering is the study of aircraft that operates within the earth's atmosphere. If you pursue a course in aerospace engineering it will enhance your knowledge about both aeronautics and astronautics, you will not only learn about aircraft but also about spacecraft. The one who possesses the dexterity to survive will be paid well. In India, the major set of
  • A

    Answered by

    Abhay 18966 | Contributor-Level 6

    4 years ago
    LPU has recognised this and developed the curriculum in consultation with the industry. It has even set up center for space research with mission control facility.
  • V

    Answered by

    Vibha Gupta | Scholar-Level 17

    4 years ago
    I have been in LPU so I can vouch on their practices that they are implementing and I have witnessed their effort for students and management working hard for placement and imparting quality teaching. Here are few highlights which I would be sharing for helping you to develop your mind set. LPU provides ample opportunities to each and every eligible student of lpu to secure a good placement. Every year more than 550 companies visit lpu for recruitment purpose. Companies which recruit from IIT's and Iims also land at lpu for recruitment purpose. Lpu has made professional enhancement classes as an integral part of the curriculum which he

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