Hello dear,
Food engineers, also known as agricultural and food scientists, combine engineering concepts with microbiology, chemistry and other sciences to create the best ways to make processed foods tasty, healthy and safe. They're responsible for every step of food production, from production to distribution. It's also their job to figure out the safest and most environmentally friendly ways of processing, packaging, preserving and storing foods for distribution. Food engineers should be able to work well in an office, laboratory or manufacturing plant environment. An increasing number of these professionals are self-employed, but t
Hello dear,
Food engineers, also known as agricultural and food scientists, combine engineering concepts with microbiology, chemistry and other sciences to create the best ways to make processed foods tasty, healthy and safe. They're responsible for every step of food production, from production to distribution. It's also their job to figure out the safest and most environmentally friendly ways of processing, packaging, preserving and storing foods for distribution. Food engineers should be able to work well in an office, laboratory or manufacturing plant environment. An increasing number of these professionals are self-employed, but the majority work for private companies in the food industry. Travel may be required, though these professionals often work typical business hours. Jobs in the field are expected to grow alongside the need for safe and sustainable food Science technologies. B.Tech. (Food Tech. ). Programme is a 4 year degree programme after 10+2 level of education with Physics, Chemistry and Maths / Biology. The course curriculum consists of 104 courses carrying 219 credit units, including one term paper, one summer project, two seminars and one major project. In order to well comprehend the subject Food Technology, 22 foundation courses are required to be cleared by the students, before taking core courses. There are 28 major core subjects and 7 elective subjects (Any one to be chosen out of these). In addition there are value addition courses - English, Foreign Languages (any one), Behavioural Science and Communication Skills along with the foundation courses. In order to make this course curriculum fully industry-oriented, the 8th semester (Last semester) of the degree programme is almost fully devoted to industrial training as a Major Project. Every student is required to work for about 12-15 weeks exclusively in the food industry under Major Project to apply the knowledge gained thus far. This is in addition to a Summer Project/ Training of 4-6 weeks duration in the food industry in the middle of the degree programme. On completing graduation, the students will have developed enough skill and confidence to plan, organize and manage entrepreneurship to open food industry units of their own.