Is there any difference between automobile and automotive engineering?

0 5.5k Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 2 Answers

  • Yes, there is a difference. Automobile engineering may be considered as a sub branch of automotive engineering.
    Automotive engineering is a sub-branch of vehicle engineering. It can also be considered as a sub-branch of mechanical engineering that has split from the main branch focusing on the automotive field of study. Automobile engineering focuses on the cars. It specifically deals with the designing of cars, operations in production of cars, designing of engines and fuel management. Thus, automobile engineering can be considered as a sub branch of automotive engineering. However, generally both the branches are used interchangeably
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant | Scholar-Level 18

    7 years ago
    Automobile and Automotive engineering are similar branches dealing with motor vehicles. Automotive engineering deals with the overall development of a vehicle, from design to production and maintenance. Automobile engineering deals with the design of cars. In terms of degree equivalence, both are almost the same. Following are the major difference between Automobile and Automotive are as follows:
    (a) Automobile refers to all passenger vehicles having engine and moving on their wheels on road, however, most people think of cars whenever the word automobile is used
    (b) Automotive is anything related to automobiles. For example brake fluid

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