Dear Student, Like there is never a shortcut to succeed in life, there is no shortcut to become a good lawyer, although possessing, acquiring or developing some skills might give us an edge in this highly competitive world. Primarily, skills such as and inquisitive nature, attention to detail, logical reasoning, persuasiveness, sound judgment and writing ability are significant for success as a professional in law. While these skills remain necessary, Some of these are:
A. Command over language This skill is quintessential for every lawyer. You need to be able to express yourself efficiently and lucidly to do well in this industry. B. Oratory skills For lawyers in private practice, being a good speaker is vital. A prospective litigator must develop the art of modulating his/her voice as per the demand of the situation to emerge successful. C. The 3As Attitude, Aptitude and Analytics. These qualities make a lawyer expert in analyzing the legal problems and arriving at calculated conclusions. D. Reading habit A lawyer must essentially develop a regular habit of reading. Reading must be primarily related to law though it may, also include culture, history, Science, politics, etc. E. Perseverance During initial years a fresh law school graduate may face harsh working hours but one must be patient and focus on deserving instead of desiring. F. Team work Lawyers who collaborate well possess the ability to identify and bring out the best others have to offer, submerging their own positions and egos where necessary in order to reach the optimal client outcome. G. Emotional intelligence Clients need the empathy, perspective and personal connection of their lawyers to feel whole and satisfied where colleagues need engagement, respect and understanding to be their best. H. Financial literacy Almost every client and every case involves money in some way, and every lawyer in private practice is running a business of one size or another. Financial literacy becomes essential in such a scenario. There are multiple universities from where you can do 5-year LL.B. IILM University Gurugram offers BBA LL.B. With Moot Court Internship, Seminar, Workshops, Experiential Learning along with Inter-Disciplinary Curriculum. Website: