To prepare for insurance exams like NIACL, LIC, should I take coaching for banking or SSC CGL? Is there a separate coaching for the exam?

I'm preparing for SSC CGL from home but I find NIACL post better than CGL. To crack NIACL, should I take banking coaching or continue with SSC CGL or only prepare for general awareness for insurance exam separately? Or should I stop preparing for CGL and go for banking coaching to crack NIAC?

0 56 Views | Posted 6 years ago
Asked by Rashika Gupta

  • 3 Answers

  • Hi Rashika,
    I'll advise you to prepare for one type of exam at a time. Syllabus for SSC and bank exams is very much different from each other. If you try to study for both the exams, it will certainly not prove out to be effective for any of the two. As your priority is NIACL, you should concentrate on its preparation more than SSC CGL. The preparation of NIACL is similar to that of a bank exam. So you can take bank exam coaching for the preparation of NIACL exam.
  • A

    Answered by

    Aakansha Purohit | Contributor-Level 10

    2 years ago
    Hello dear, You can prepare for all together but the syllabus and pattern is different for different exam. Selection Procedure Phase-I: Preliminary Examination : NIACL
    Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. Candidates have to qualify in each test/section by securing passing marks to be decided by the Company. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Company (approximately 15 times the numbers of vacancies subject to availability) will be shortlisted for the Main Examination. Phase II: Main Examination :
    Main Examination will consist of Objective Tests for 200
  • L

    Answered by

    Latesh Kapadia

    3 years ago
    Hello dear, The exams of NIACL, LIC etc. Comes under INSURANCE EXAM CATEGORY. These exams are different from those of banking and SSC
    If you want to now the complete information related to all these you can contact LK ACADEMY- 7285043606
    or you can simply download LK ACADEMY app from playstore and go through each section you will have complete idea about all these exam pattern and their format. Along with this you can give daily free test, you can practise English RC and descriptive, you can watch videos, study the pdf and can surf all the content at your convenient time. Everything sorted at one place.

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