Visual arts vs performing arts

Whats the difference between the two forms of art and which has more demand in India?

1 Follower | 1.6k Views | Posted 9 years ago
Started by Mini Messey


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  • H

    Commented by


    a year ago
    Hareedr bisht this comment shoes your study well ness cinema view, and your performing.
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    Harender Bisht | Guide-Level 12

    9 years ago
    Hi everyone i think there are only two arts forms in the world one is visualization & another is performance.
    visualization refer to all the thing which we see from any mode like nature, any movie on a screen, any work we do with computer, laptop, mobile & other. all these are the parts of visualization art.
    about second one performance it refers to all the things & activity we do in our day to day life, all these are parts of this.
    in other words visualization refers to the things, activity or performance show to other with our imagination or skills which is very high in demand.
  • R

    Commented by

    Rishi Solanki

    9 years ago
    HI ALL,
    Visual artist can join any art studio, advertising agency or the designing industry. In the field of designing one can opt to become a graphic designer wherein one is engaged in developing visual aids such as logos and designs for commercial houses or create illustrations for books and magazines in a publishing house.
    The scope of performing arts has widened in the past decade. With the advent of an increasing number of satellite channels, flourishing film industry, Internet, web and digitalisation of various techniques. Opportunities are galore in this field, though with stiff competition. As a result, many educational institute
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    Nitesh Chauhan | Contributor-Level 6

    9 years ago
    I think both are very creative forms of art and you have to make your name in both the fields to create scope for yourself
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    Commented by

    Rahul Tewari | Contributor-Level 6

    9 years ago
    Visual arts can be permanently and repeatedly experienced (even at a glance); performing arts have traditionally been event-limited (prior to recording technologies) and generally require time to experience the unfolding performance.
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    Commented by

    Nidhi Jain | Contributor-Level 7

    9 years ago
    Visual art media tends to be inanimate (e.g. paint /clay /wood /metal/glass/fabric/etc.); performing art media tends to be animate (e.g. actors /players /singers/dancers/etc.).
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    Commented by

    Aanchal Pathak | Contributor-Level 7

    9 years ago
    Visual art is a way of expressing feeling, emotion, opinion, or taste through visual means such as photography, painting, sculpting, and drawing.
    The performing arts is a way to express opinion, emotion, feeling, or taste by means of performance such as theatre, music, and public speech.

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